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Supervisor Reasonable Suspicion Training

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This is a 75-minute Supervisor Reasonable Suspicion Training Course covering drug and alcohol use and can be utilized in any industry to create a drug-free workplace. This course is meant to be used as a source of education for employees of non-transportation companies, municipalities, schools, universities, etc.

Note: If you are a transportation company, you will need to take the DOT Supervisor Drug and Alcohol Training, a 120-minute required course.

This is a 75-minute Supervisor Reasonable Suspicion Training Course covering:

  • Different types of drugs and their signs and symptoms
  • Alcohol use and the signs and symptoms associated with it
  • Proper techniques to intervene in the workplace when managers suspect drug or alcohol use

The goal is to create a safe and productive work environment for all employees. The use of drugs and alcohol in the workplace can be hazardous and reduce productivity among potential users and even their co-workers. Any suspected employee needs to be removed from safety-sensitive duties, but only after the proper steps are taken by a supervisor to address their behavior and appearance, which may be indicators of possible illegal drug use or alcohol misuse. By educating your supervisors you can ensure that they understand how to identify drug and alcohol use and the proper steps to remove or prevent it in the future. When it comes to reasonable suspicion, the manager’s role is to:

  • identify specific observations of employee behavior or appearance that justify a drug or alcohol test
  • confront the employee concerning the requirement to undergo reasonable suspicion testing, and
  • fully explain the consequences of the employee’s refusal to comply

  Note: If you are a transportation company, you will need to take the DOT Supervisor Drug and Alcohol Training, a 120-minute DOT-required course.