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Hours of Service: Complete Training (CMV Driver Training)

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The full Hours of Service Course will cover HOS Basic Understanding, HOS Completing Manual Logs, HOS Electronic Device, HOS Records and Supporting Documents, HOS Exceptions, and HOS Split Sleeper Berth. The objectives are to teach the students the basics from the purpose of the regulation to who falls under this regulation to basic understanding of the rules and regulations, how to complete a manual log, understand the regulation, and record retention, how to work an ELD and an understanding of rules and regulations while using an ELD, record retention as well as required supporting documents and how they are used on a roadside inspection or an audit, the most common used exceptions, and the different variations of the split sleeper berth and have in in-depth understanding how it works and when it would be beneficial.

Hours of Service: Basic Understanding

As a professional in the trucking industry, it is important to understand the FMCSA Hours-of-Service Regulations and how they apply to you.

These rules can become very complicated for drivers to understand as they include many restrictions and exceptions, which makes them that much more important to understand.

In this course you will learn:

  • The Definition of a Commercial Motor Vehicle or CMV
  • The Purpose of Hours of Service
  • On-Duty Time
  • Off-Duty Time
  • The different types of clocks or rules you will need to follow
    • 14-Hour Clock
    • 11-Hour Clock
    • 30-minute Break
    • 34-Hour Reset
    • 60/70 Hour Limit

Hours of Service: Record Keeping

Truck drivers must keep trip records to be paid for their work. They may also need this information to file their taxes accurately.

If there is an audit or investigation, you are expected to produce records upon the auditors’ request. Having well-organized files allows you to access this information when you need it most.

This course will equip you to:

  • Understand the purpose of Hours of Service
  • Understand the application of Manual Logs
  • Properly track Hours of Service with an ELD
  • Understand what supporting documents are viable for proper record-keeping
  • Determine unidentified records

Hours of Service: Driver and Carrier Violations

In this course, students will learn about CMVs and why the Hours of Service rules and regulations are so important. Students will also learn about how violations can affect drivers if they do not follow the HOS Rules and Regulations set by the FMCSA. Many drivers are also exposed to coercion, when employers may be pushing employees to break the rules. In these cases, we lay out the steps you should take as a driver if you are put in this situation.

We will cover:

  • The Definition of a Commercial Motor Vehicle or CMV
  • The Purpose of Hours of Service
  • The Effects of Violations on a Driver
  • How to Respond to Coercion

Hours of Service: Agriculture Exception

In this course, students will learn about the exemptions for drivers transporting agricultural commodities. The Agricultural Operations exception, also referred to as the Ag exception, applies to drivers transporting agricultural commodities within 150 air miles of the source, but only during harvest and planting seasons.

These drivers are exempt from the hours-of-service requirements, which in turn exempts them from ELD requirements, as to Part 395.2.

In this course, we will teach you to understand:

  • How this exception affects the carrier's hours on duty
  • What commodities are designated as "agricultural commodities"
  • How to determine the air-mile radius that this exception is viable in

Hours of Service: Exceptions

In this course, the student will learn about the most commonly used exceptions to the hours of service rules, giving drivers and carriers flexibility, depending on their particular situation. These exceptions may or may not be able to be applied.

We will be discussing:

  • The Definition of a Commercial Motor Vehicle or CMV
  • The Purpose of Hours of Service
  • Personal Conveyance
  • Sleeper Berth